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Signs You Need to See an Orthopedic Doctor

Here are some indicators that you need to see a Bay Area orthopedic doctor

Don’t run the risk of long-term damage and disability by ignoring what your body is trying to tell you. There are some distinct signs of problems with joints and bones which merit the opinion of a professional, specifically, an orthopedic doctor. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, consult with orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht, to address and treat the impacts of bone and joint issues.


Some signs that you need to see an orthopedic doctor in the Bay area include:

Persistent Pain

Do you live with chronic or persistent pain in your joints or bones? Does it hurt to stand up, sit down, or walk up a small set of steps? There is relief available as well as treatment options that could relieve you of orthopedic pain, so report any discomfort to your healthcare practitioner.

Limited Range-of-Motion

Another sign of an orthopedic issue is experiencing a limited range-of-motion. This may include an inability to reach your arms over your head or raise a leg to climb a steep step.  Orthopedic surgery for Bay Area patients aims to restore and increase range-of-motion, which could involve post-operative aftercare and physical therapy.

Difficulty with Stability

Similarly, instability is another reason to seek out the advice and expertise of an orthopedic doctor. Those who have trouble standing, walking, or transitioning with relative ease are encouraged to pursue whether they have orthopedic issues. The best way to do this is by consulting with a qualified professional in the area.

Stiff and Sore

Is feeling stiff and sore part of your everyday life? Age is not a reason to experience stiffness and tenderness in your joints and bones. See a practitioner for a professional evaluation if you find that your stiff or aching joints are causing you issues and obstacles with activities of daily living and potentially impacting your overall quality of life.

A Second Opinion

Another time that warrants a consult with an orthopedic surgeon in the Bay Area is when you are seeking a second opinion regarding joint replacement. Don’t take one provider’s word for it: talk to an orthopedic doctor that can assess and discuss the risks and benefits with you.

Why live with the discomfort and limitations of a bone or joint injury?

Talk to San Francisco orthopedic doctor and surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht

He can evaluate and discuss treatment options that may significantly restore range-of-motion and reduce pain or discomfort. Contact our office for a consultation today.


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