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Treatment Options for a Torn Meniscus

Insight from an Expert Bay Area Meniscus Tear Treatment Specialist

The meniscus, which acts as the knee’s shock absorber, consists of two pieces of cartilage between the thigh and shin bones. Meniscus tears most commonly occur in sports environments when an athlete moves or twists in an unsafe manner. A meniscus tear treatment specialist can identify the type of tear and may recommend a couple different methods for recovery.

Your torn meniscus treatment doctor will often look for nonsurgical options before investigating or suggesting an invasive solution. The size, location, and form of tear will inform his or her decision-making processes. Most of the time, RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and time off allow the body to heal on its own. In these cases, the specialist may prescribe an anti-inflammatory or recommend an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen.

Sometimes an orthopedic surgeon or other sports injury professional may conduct different surgical procedures depending on the tear. In a meniscectomy, the doctor trims the torn tissue to allow for new growth. A repair surgery may include suturing the meniscus so it heals properly. Tears involving the inner portion of the meniscus require surgery more often because the area does not have the same rich blood supply as the outer areas. After surgery, expect to stay off the leg for one month or longer.

Bay Area Torn Meniscus Treatment Doctor Can Help You Heal

Need help figuring out what to do about your recent Bay Area sports injury? The experienced and reputable cartilage specialist team at IASM can help. Call Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht at 415-923-0944 today to schedule a consultation.

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