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Prevention Tips for Common Little League Injuries

San Francisco Sports Injury Doctor Explains

Just because an injury is common doesn’t mean it’s minor. A sports injury specialist will probably tell you that some of the most common injuries are highly detrimental, and can lead to other health problems in the future. Do you have a son or daughter that’s involved in the Little League? Don’t let the word “little” fool you.

As small scale as the games may be, the potential for injury is much larger. Luckily, you’re not completely powerless. There are many precautions you as a parent can take to keep your child healthy and agile. Next time you sign up your athlete for a sport league, adhere to the following tips and avoid the potential of an emergency visit to the doctor.


Concussions sound serious, right? Common causes are players who collide into one another, or being struck in the head by a ball. The best way to prevent this is to simply wear a helmet. Your child also needs to be constantly aware of their surroundings, so teaching them how to stay focused will help. The importance of these two things can’t be overstated.

Little League Shoulder

Rotator cuff tears and sprains are typical. This is common among pitchers and catchers, and is usually a result of rotational stress from repetition. Usually players fracture the top of their arm bone and have to see their general doctor or rotator cuff specialist for treatment. To prevent injury from overuse, your kids should not pitch on consecutive days or play year around. Allow the body to rest.

Ankle Sprains

Improper sliding techniques are the most common causes of ankle sprains. A proper warm up, stretching and jogging beforehand can minimize the chance of sprains. Also make sure your kids practice proper sliding techniques and body form so they don’t put themselves in harm’s way.

Knee Injuries

These aren’t as common as some of the other injuries, but are still typical among little league players. Common injuries can include knee contusion, ligament sprains and more. For knees injuries it’s best to contact a knee doctor immediately for prevention and to make sure the proper treatment begins right away.

Bay Area Orthopedic Surgeon Wants Your Child Healthy

To learn more about how you can protect your child’s health during the sports season, contact IASM at (415) 923-0944.

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